How It Works
Verification Report
Verify the status of 1 (one) worker. Unsure of your worker’s status? Make the informed decision on whether to convert your contractors to W-2s with the got1099 report. This report comes with a single alert at 30 days to report on your worker’s license status.
Need more alerts? Order the Monthly Alerts option.
Professional Consultation
Up to 45 minutes on Zoom or phone with a verification expert. Our team of EDD & CSLB experts will spend up to 45m ensuring you have all the insights you need to make the best decision about the classification of your workers from 1099s to W-2s.
Monthly Alerts (3 months)
Receive monthly alerts to update you on changes to a contractor’s professional license or status changes. Three months of alerts delivered per report ordered.
Business license changes, expired EINs, pending audits or investigations, or lapses in professional requirements all trigger alerts during the 3 month period.