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Verify your 1099 Workers’ Status

Verify your independent contractors have a legitimate business and satisfy CA and Federal law.

Your customized got1099? report includes detailed information on your independent contractor’s business data, licensing, EIN, corporate or LLC status, social media and website or other advertising. Our reports are developed based on years of experience with many government audits.  These audits target companies who may have misclassified their workers as independent contractors.

Avoid costly problems by getting our report before hiring your next independent contractor or, before EDD looks into your worker classification.

Why do you need a got1099 report?

3 easy steps to verify your subcontractors:

  • Select the number of subcontractors you have

  • Provide Contractor Details

    Provide the subcontractor’s name, business name, Employer Identification Number (EIN or tax identification number for the business), CSLB license number, and scope of work.

  • Receive your report and review the data

1099 Business Verification

Verify the legitimacy of a sole proprietor business or larger company.

Business Entity Status

Review the history of a registered business to determine whether it is operating legally.

Tax License Check

Confirm your contractor is registered to do business in their city.

EIN Confirmation

Confirm that an EIN is legitimate and belongs to a sole proprietor or business entity.

Full Support

Our experienced staff and business professionals are available to answer questions. Optional services include phone consultation to review your report.

Web Social Research

Receive social media data establishing a business’ web presence is operating.

Professional License Alerts

Optional service includes monthly alerts to notify you of any changes in a professional license or construction contractor license which will impact whether your contractor can continue to qualify as a 1099 contractor.

Who Needs a got1099 Contractor Report?

Business Owners

General Contractors

hiring subcontractors


Watch the video


hiring remote workers

Any business hiring a 1099 independent contractor must verify the worker or company is legitimately operating under California’s new laws.

If your 1099 workers perform similar tasks to your employees, or if you are uncertain your 1099 workers have current business entity filings, licensing, and other elements as outlined in AB-5, get the peace of mind of a got1099 report. With our comprehensive reports and monthly alerts, you can be secure that you will be prepared to defend your workers’ classification against a government audit or inquiry.

With recent changes under California law, there are stricter requirements making it harder to hire 1099 contractors without the proper verification.


of Business Owners want to verify their 1099 contractors

+ 63%

of California businesses have some portion of their workforce as 1099s


Increase in cost for a W-2 over 1099

Plans & Pricing

  • Select the number of single verification reports


    $135 each – You get a review of professional licenses, business entity verification, online presence verification and AB-5 category review.

  • Select a Professional Consultation


    $200 Choose 45 minutes with a professional EDD expert to review your workers, ensure that you understand your reports and what they mean for your options to reclassify workers as W-2s vs let them remain as 1099s.

  • Choose the Group Review Option


    $400 If you have a group of 5 – 10 workers in one category, our system will review them as individuals and as a group (as EDD would view them) revealing audit weakness in the eyes of the Employment Development Department before an inquiry happens.

  • Get Quarterly Alerts


    $400 Select the Quarterly Alerts to be notified of changes to your 1099 contractors’ business entity or licensing status.  EDD receives these updates, shouldn’t you know first?

Get the facts

The Power of Information to Make Better Decisions

Construction business owners are at high risk

California EDD is looking for 1099 contractors whom they feel should now be classified as W-2 workers.  Since AB-5 and the Gig Work law went into effect, businesses who work with outside contractors are particularly vulnerable. Use our tool to make the right decision BEFORE California EDD comes knocking.

Not every 1099 needs to be reclassified

Throughout California, business owners are throwing their hands up and reclassifying all their workers. This is not always smart, necessary, or advantageous to your workers. STOP. Use our tool and make an informed decision as to the status of your 1099 workers and their legitimacy in that classification.